Cancellation Due To The Winter Weather

please exercise caution during periods of foul weather. No one will ever tell you it’s ok to “skip” church, but use your best judgment when traveling in poor conditions. The same is true of parking and entering/exiting the church. Please do so with caution, and at your own risk. Liturgy is cancelled on 2/9 due to the extreme ice. Please be careful, stay warm, and exercise caution out there. The typika service is uploaded online for anyone who would like to access it and pray at home!


Fast Free Week

the entire week following the Publican & Pharisee is a time of privilege during which all foods are permitted.


Valentine’s Day Dance, Saint Nicholas, DuBois

there will be a Valentine’s Day Polka Party at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Hall, DuBois @ 301 South State Street. $15 per adult, $10 per child. Music is by the Vagabonds. All proceeds benefit the church maintenance fund.


House Blessing

as long as there are no weather issues, blessings will resume Friday of this week.


Lenten Mission Vespers

there will be a schedule for Lenten vespers forthcoming. This is the first time in many years we will observe deanery vespers on the Sundays of the Great Fast. Please stay tuned.


Archdiocesan Retreat

for clergy and laity to be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Guest speaker is Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk, Dean of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Philadelphia, who will be speaking on the topic: “The Book of Job: Suffering and Victory of Christ over Satan.” Plans call for the event to begin at 10 AM with prayer, two sessions and lunch, and conclusion by 3 PM. Event flyer is posted on the church bulletin board.


Upcoming Feasts/Activities/Schedule Changes

on the Meeting of the Lord, 15 February, we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and bless candles. This is a major holy day. Father will have some of his homemade 100% beeswax candles available for a donation. Also, the Sunday of Meatfare is 23 February. We will have a Meatfare Dinner (Spinach Salad, Pasta with Meat Sauce, Italian Bread, and a Charcuterie Board. Beer and Red Wine will be served, as well. Help with desserts and other side dishes is appreciated). Free will offering will go directly to the roof fund. Because of this, Liturgy in Pine Hill will be scheduled for 16 February. Thank you for your cooperation! We hope to see you at the annual Meatfare Dinner!